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Supported catalog backends

dagster-pyiceberg supports all catalog backends that are available through pyiceberg. See overview and configuration options here.


dagster-pyiceberg supports setting configuration values using a .pyiceberg.yaml configuration file and environment variables. For more information, see the PyIceberg documentation.

You may also pass your catalog configuration through use of the IcebergCatalogConfig object, e.g:

from dagster_pyiceberg.config import IcebergCatalogConfig
from dagster_pyiceberg.io_manager.arrow import IcebergPyarrowIOManager

io_manager = IcebergPyarrowIOManager(
        "uri": "postgresql+psycopg2://pyiceberg:pyiceberg@postgres/catalog",
        "warehouse": f"file://path/to/warehouse",

Implemented engines

The following engines are currently implemented.

PyIceberg Features

The table below shows which PyIceberg features are currently available.

Feature Supported Link Comment
Add existing files Useful for existing partitions that users don't want to re-materialize/re-compute.
Schema evolution More complicated than e.g. delta lake since updates require diffing input table with existing Iceberg table. This is implemented by checking the schema of incoming data, dropping any columns that no longer exist in the data schema, and then using the union_by_name() method to merge the current schema with the table schema. Current implementation has a chance of creating a race condition when e.g. partition A tries to write to a table that has not yet processed a schema update. Should be covered by retrying when writing.
Sort order Currently limited support in PyIceberg. Sort ordering is supported when creating a table from an Iceberg schema (one must pass the source_id which can be inferred from a PyArrow schema but this is shaky). However, we cannot simply update a sort ordering like a partition or schema spec.
PyIceberg commit retries PR to add this to PyIceberg is open. Will probably be merged for an upcoming release. Added a custom retry function using Tenacity for the time being.
Partition evolution Create, Update, Delete partitions by updating the Dagster partitions definition.
Table properties Added as metadata on an asset. NB: config options are not checked explicitly because users can add any key-value pair to a table. Available properties here.
Snapshot properties Useful for correlating Dagster runs to snapshots by adding tags to snapshot. Not configurable by end-user.