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Workbench python template: a tagline that sounds hip and cool and convinces you

This is a poetry package template used for creating python packages using modern development tools.

This package template was adapted from the py-pkgs cookiecutter template by Thomas Beuzen.


This template uses the following tools for development, code quality & testing:

  • Poetry (obviously)
  • Pre-commit to run static checks on code
  • Black for code formatting
  • Isort for sorting dependencies
  • Codespell for correcting spelling
  • Ruff for linting
  • Pyproject-fmt to format pyproject.toml
  • Interrogate for docstring coverage
  • Deptry to check for possible package conflicts
  • Mypy for type hint checking
  • Nox & nox-poetry for testing across python versions
  • Invoke for defining re-usable / useful commands
  • Python-semantic-release for versioning based on git commits
  • sync_with_poetry pre-commit hook to keep parity between dev package versions and pre-commit revs.

Additionally, this package template contains starter code using:

  • typer for creating CLIs
  • pydantic_yaml for creating/parsing YAML config files


Depending on how you want to use the template, you can find additional setup in the recipes subsection of the docs.


Please see the documentation for more detail on using workbench-package-template. We provide the fundamental steps below:

  1. Install cookiecutter:

    pip install cookiecutter
  2. Generate a Python package structure using workbench-package-template:


First steps

  1. Create a GH repository and do the following:

  2. Enable GH pages by going to Settings > Pages and selecting Source as 'GitHub actions', then selecting 'Static HTML'. Cancel the action that is created for you (this is already incorporated in the template).

  1. Run poetry install

  2. Check in the changes and push to main with the commit message 'ci skip'

  3. Run poetry shell

  4. Run invoke set-up-pre-commit to set up the pre-commit hooks


Interested in contributing? Check out the Contributing Guidelines. Please note that this project is released with a Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.


py-pkgs-cookiecutter was created by Tomas Beuzen and Tiffany Timbers. It is licensed under the terms of the BSD license.


py-pkgs-cookiecutter was originally developed for use in the University of British Columbia's (UBC) Master of Data Science_ program (MDS). It was inspired by the pyOpenSci cookiecutter template.