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Authenticating with private PyPI repositories

To authenticate with private PyPI repositories, you need to configure the repo in your pyproject.toml and authenticate with it. This is described in the poetry documentation.

For the examples below, we will assume that the address of the repo is and the name used to register the repository with poetry is mypypi

Read-only access to the repository

To be able to install from a private PyPI repository, you need to add the following section to your pyproject.toml:

name = "mypypi"
url = ""
default = false
secondary = true

You can also add this to your pyproject by executing:

poetry source add --secondary foo

Configuration to push to a private repo

To push packages to a repository, configure the repository as follows (NB: notice that '/simple' is omitted here):

poetry config repositories.mypypi

Configuring authentication

To configure authentication with a private repository, note down your username and password and execute:

poetry config http-basic.mypypi <username> <password>

Repositories hosted on GCP

For registries hosted on GCP, you can obtain credentials as follows

gcloud artifacts print-settings python \
    --project=<GCP_PROJECT_ID> \
    --repository=<GCP_ARTIFACT_REGISTRY> \
    --location=europe-west4 \

In this case, your username is _json_key_base64, and the password is the base64 encoded key that is returned by the above command

Repositories hosted on Azure DevOps

For registries hosted on Azure DevOps, you can generate a personal access token and use that as the password. The username doesn't matter.

Construct the URL as<DEVOPS_ORG_NAME>/_packaging/<DEVOPS_FEED_NAME>/pypi/simple/ for read-only access. If you want to publish packages, it should look as follows:<DEVOPS_ORG_NAME>/_packaging/<DEVOPS_FEED_NAME>/pypi/upload/

Publishing packages to your repository

In your root folder, execute:

poetry publish -r mypypi --build

Authenticating in GitHub actions

In GH secrets, register the following secret values:

  1. MYPYPI_TOKEN: this is the password used to authenticate with your repository
  2. MYPYPI_REPO: this is the pypi URL (NB: this should not end with '/simple')

In GH actions, you can use the following action to configure authentication for read/write access to your repo:

- name: Authenticate with a private pypi repo
  uses: JasperHG90/toiminnot/poetry-auth-private-pypi@36a879e2095cbc31ae4ac81d6afdc7eb7c0212b7
    repository_slug: mypypi
    repository_url: ${{ secrets.MYPYPI_REPO }}
    user: _json_key_base64
    password: ${{ secrets.MYPYPI_TOKEN }}