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Building and pushing docker containers

This template makes uses of invoke to standardize common commands.

In the file, you will find three commands (build_image, push_image, and build_and_push_image) that you can use to build and push docker images to a remote repository. By default, the template will create three tags when the ENV variable is set to 'stg' or 'prod': (1) latest, (2) git SHA, and (3) package version. When ENV=dev, it only creates the 'latest' tag.

Authenticating with private docker registries


On GCP, see this guide. Below you will find an example of a service-account based access token.

Create a service account:

gcloud iam service-accounts create artifact-writer \
    --description="Read from and write to docker artifact registry" \
    --display-name="Artifact writer"

Then, add the following roles:

export GCP_PROJECT_ID=jasper-ginn-sndbx-v
export GCP_SA_NAME=artifact-writer

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $GCP_PROJECT_ID \
    --member="serviceAccount:artifact-writer@${GCP_PROJECT_ID}" \

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $GCP_PROJECT_ID \
    --member="serviceAccount:artifact-writer@${GCP_PROJECT_ID}" \

Export a service account key and save it to the .secrets folder in the template:

export GCP_PROJECT_ID=jasper-ginn-sndbx-v
export GCP_SA_NAME=artifact-writer

gcloud iam service-accounts keys create .secrets/artifact-writer-sa-key.json \

Base64-encode the service account key:

base64 .secrets/artifact-writer-sa-key.json > .secrets/artifact-writer-b64

Log into the registry using docker:

pwd=$(cat .secrets/artifact-writer-b64)
docker login -u _json_key_base64 -p $pwd

Update the DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL environment variable in the .env file. In this case, the registry URL is (NB: this is region-specific). This registry URL will be used to tag images so that docker knows where they should be pushed to.

Building and pushing docker files

To build and push your dockerfiles, execute:

poetry run invoke build-and-push-image # --no-push-version

On Azure

On Azure, you can create a container registry with at least a Standard SKU. Then, navigate to 'tokens'

And click 'Add'. Configure a token with '_repositories_push' permissions, and store the credentials somewhere safe.

Your username is the name of the token ('GHactions' in this case). The password is the token that you generated.

Update the DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL environment variable in the .env file. In this case, the registry url is This registry URL will be used to tag images so that docker knows where they should be pushed to.

In GitHub actions

There are a variety of ways to authenticate with private docker registries. The most general is to use a username/password combination. There are downsides to this because it is a long-lived access token. For alternatives to the approach below, you can checkout the google-auth action, which uses workload identity federation.

- name: Build & push docker import to GCP artifact store
  run: |
    poetry run invoke build-and-push-image # --no-push-version